Flanagan Wiki
Flanagan Wiki

Sir Digby was an unfortunate victim of Halt's habit of throwing people in moats who insult him. He is mentioned briefly in the Burning Bridge. In light of the inpending war between the Araluen Army and Morgarath and his forces, Ranger Halt was sent to Barga Hold, where Digby held sway, to deliver orders for the knight to supply Castle Redmont with warriors to join the main Araluen force. For reasons not completely known, Digby attempted to hide his forces within a forest, only for Halt, with his tracking skills to find them quickly. Unsatisfied with Digby's claims that he was withholding soldiers for the planting season, Digby was subsuquently thrown into his moat. Sir Rodney and Baron Arald had decisively low opinions of Digby, with Rodney showing tacit approval of Halt's actions, which Arald, though he agrees Digby deserved it, reproves of due to the un-dimomatic behaviour of it all. Digby apparently possessed a obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
