In the south of Nihon-Ja most of the agriculture is done on terraces.
Nihon-Ja is a country even further east than the Eastern Steppes.
Not much is known about the history of Nihon-Ja, but it was first mentioned in western chronicles when the Channel of Assarania was dug and merchants could sail through the Sea of Blood and the Eastern Ocean.
Nihon-Ja has been ruled by an emperor for as long as its people can remember.
Nihon-Ja has had several wars with the Temujai, who tried to conquer the nation by crossing the sea that separates it from the mainland (which, due to a tornado, did not end very well).
Nihon-Ja is an island country. The northern area is abandoned and the terrain there is mountainous, and the Imperial summer palace lies on the border of that area. There is a lake that hosts several small islands (in Nihon-Jan called Mizu Umi Bakudai), as well as the large Uto Forest, which both lie in the north. In the mountains lies the legendary fortress of Ran-Koshi, which offers the Emperor and the protagonists shelter during the Senshi-Imperial War. The capital of Nihon-Ja lies in the south and is called Ito.

A depiction of a Senshi-warrior ready to strike.
The nation's military is made up out of the elite Senshi warriors who are rumored to be the best warriors in the world. The rank-and-file Senshi are remarked by Horace to be better than the rank-and-file Araluen knights; this is mainly because they start their training at a much earlier age (around 10) than the Araluen knights who are mainly admitted into Battleschools when they are 15.
The Senshi are divided between several clans, such as the Meishi, the Tokoradi, the Kitotashi, the Umaki, and the most important of them: the Shimonseki. The Nihon-Jan warlord and leader of the Senshi Arisaka is from the Shimonseki clan.
The Senshi warriors are clearly based on the samurai of feudal Japan. Just like the samurai they were the only ones in the Empire allowed to carry weapons with them, have a fighting training, and have actual power in the government. As of Emperor of Nihon-Ja the Kikori gojus have been enstated into their military.
The Senshi fight using mainly katanas and javelins, and only nobles use recurve bows. Their secondary weapon are Wakizashis.
Their katanas are made of very hard steel, and the method was used by the Araluen swordsmiths to make Ranger knives.
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