Magyara is a country south of Teutlandt and Skandia and to the west of Gallica, with the lands of Toscana lying in the south and Alpina's Mountain Range rising and running north-east of it. It is probably based on Hungary, for Hungarians also call themselves Magyarans.
Despite being a landlocked country, a vast majority of Magyarans indulge in piracy, primarily on the waves of the River Dan, which runs through their territories and the extending bodies of water connecting to and from it, which is, along with the adjoining Stormwhite, a popular raiding ground for corsairs like Zavac, a pirate captain of a black ship called Raven and his crew. The Magyarans are probably some of the most infamous sea raiders/pirates, aside from the what was previously the Skandians. To reach Magyara, one could go up the Scout River, which leads to where the Magyaran capital of Pragha lies. Magyarans are known to be slavers, with Magyaran ships occasionally launching sudden strike attacks on Araluen with the intention of taking slaves to be sold at the Socorro slave market, as well as attempting to fill in the vacancy of raiders left by the sea wolves. Strangely though, if Zavac's lies were to be believed, Sonderland, who's people loath pirates, is trade partners with Magyara, who's include wine and cheese.
The raiders of the Magyara are river pirates and raid typically along or near the banks of the Dan. While sailors, the Magyarans lack the skills of seafarers, using small skiffs powered either by sails or oar power to navigate the calm, tame waters of the River Dan and its many smaller tributaries, preying on and running down river traffic. Many pirates of Magyara origin are among the more common visitors of the pirate haven Raguza. The Magyarans river rats often use the pirate haven as an escape route, rowing or sailing up the Dan in their skiffs, hiding along the forested banks, then dashing out to ambush trading fleets on their way to the markets of Drogha, outmanoeuvring and outnumbering them.
Similar to the Skandians, the Magyarans appear had their own 'raiding season', when their piracy is most active, often darting out from Raguza during the Spring and Summer months to capture merchant ships while remaining less active during the Winter seasons. As pirates of the river, Mannoc and The Seahawk no doubt caused the Hungassi raiders much grief over the years.
The typical attire of Magyaran fighters include bandannas in a variety of colour, heavy boots, curved swords and miniature, circular shields made of, or at least reinforced by metal sheeting.
Following the beginning of the Skandians policing of the Stormwhite Sea and other bodies of water that served as major areas of trade, the Magyarans, like the Hungassi, Iberians and many other nations who's main source of income came in from piracy, objected to the Sea Wolves' role as maritime police and guardians and their abandonment of raiding. Subsequently, the Magyarans gained a deep hatred of the Skandians as they began suppressing actions of piracy, theirs' included.
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