Flanagan Wiki
Flanagan Wiki
World Map

La Rivage, seen on the map

La Rivage is a city in Gallica mentioned and even visited in The Icebound Land. Horace and Halt stop by here to get supplies, rest, and work on their freelance knight act in Gallica.


Based on description, La Rivage might be located where modern Calais is today, at the crossing from England to France. According to the text, Horace and Halt traveled by ship from the east coast of Araluen to the west coast of Gallica, disembarking at LaRivage. “ All around him, the port city of La Rivage seethed with life. The docks were crowded with ships: simple fishing smacks and two-masted traders moored side by side and creating a forest of masts and halyards that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see.” (Icebound Land, ch 12)

La Rivage is a hot spot for fishermen, teaming with various fish and is also a trading spot with many ships arriving and going. The area is often plundered by Skandian Wolfships. There is a road leading to Château Montsombre and to the Court of King Henri in the south.
