Jory Ruhl's Gang was a militant band brigands and criminals lead and (presumably) founded by Jory Ruhl. The group indulged primarily in kidnappings and, later on, slave selling.
Jory used this seemingly select group of men in his operations, apparently employing them as his elite force, although there was a hierarchy among the band, with Ruhl at the very top, then his chief subordinates and finally a collection of rank-and-file henchmen. The band also apparently partook in various criminal actions through associates across the kingdom, possibly including river piracy and open raids. As well as his fellow Araluens, Ruhl also employed several foreign Iberians who they helped, for example, as protection against possible retaliation by the villagers, as trackers and hunters, or as links with Socorro slave traffickers.
The band and their operations were destroyed by Will Treaty and Madelyn Altman, who intercepted and crushed them during their slave-exchange, releasing the 10 children kidnapped by the band and battling the criminals, killing Ruhl and the main body of command in the gang, leaving the majority of the gang's members and associates being killed, imprisoned or made wanted by the law.
Founding and Early Crimes[]
Following his abandonment of a mercenary career, Jory Ruhl presumably forged the gang from other criminals and thieves he met or otherwise encountered in his travels. Though the date of gang's formation is unknown, Jory and his dark-cloaked henchman operated together for two years, likely meaning the band was founded during or prior to 669 C.E. Other member of the original group included Henry Wheeler and (possibly) Victor, though the latter is unconfirmed.
Ruhl and the gang eventually began operating within the boundaries of Anselm Fief and it's neighbours, praying on and terrorising small villages, all while seemingly evading capture by the Rangers of their targeted provinces, despite being wanted by the law. The band’s primary tactic was to kidnap young members of the settlements communities, then demand ransoms from the victims' parents, actions that often forced the entire hamlet to donate their own savings to the ransom money. Though it is never stated, Jory and his cronies might have also preyed on travellers on the road, a typical action for roaming criminals.

Burning of the Wyvern Inn
The brigands eventually planned a criminal gathering with the Wyvern Inn, attended by Ruhl and four others. Seemingly mid-meeting, the Gang received word that a posse of volunteers led by a local constable were marching on the Inn with the intention of ending Ruhl’s reign of fear and terror and bring the kidnappers to justice. As Ruhl and his acolytes made a bolt for it, the volunteer force made their arrival and, in a show of confidence or foolishness, attempted to intervene and apprehend the highwaymen, resulting in a skirmish between the two parties, in which a member of the posse was struck down by Ruhl or one of his minions. Despite not sustaining casualties themselves, Ruhl and one of his men, Henry Wheeler, no doubt aware that their small numbers would eventually succumb to the posse's greater mass of (albeit less experienced) fighters, set the building alight and, in the confusion, disappeared into the shadows of the nearby forest, no doubt rendezvousing with their cohorts shortly after, apparently watching the fruit of their actions before absconding.
Destruction of the First[]
The gang's structure however, was short lived after this bonfire night, for someone had been lost in the flames: Alyss Mainwaring, wife of the famous Will Treaty, who, upon hearing of his beloved's death, set his sights on enacting revenge on the murderers, pursuing them and seemingly sending the group scattering in all directions, with Wheeler and two others apparently abandoning Ruhl and fleeing to save their own skins, desperately attempting to evade the rage-filled Ranger, leaving Ruhl's deputy underling the last member of Jory’s retinue with the former mercenary. While Wheeler apparently slipped through Will's fingers in a confrontation, his two unknown cohorts lost their freedom to Treaty, who hounded them across the country before capturing them and brought in for trial and sentencing for their crimes, although, on their way to prison, Will gave his captives several opportunities to escape, which the gang members, not being idiots, declined from taking. Seeking more information on his prime target, Will also interrogated the incarcerated brigands and their previous victims, who's divulged intelligence built up the image of a cruel and intelligent, but also blindly vengeful man who could not bear to be thwarted.
Even Ruhl was nearly-captured, attempting to flee across a fast-flowing river in a punt only days after the fateful night at the Wyvern and coming face to face with Alyss's husband in the process when Will arrived seconds after Ruhl made his escape. Ducking behind a stack of wool bales at the sight of his foe drawing his longbow, upon reaching the opposite bank, Ruhl cut the cable hanging overhead and which his nemesis was trying to utilise in his pursuit, near-drowning the Ranger and leaving Will seething as he fled. However, this did not deter him in the slightest from his search,
However, while Jory’s Lieutenant seemingly vanished, the same was not to be for the last of the scattered three: Henry Wheeler, who Will had still not captured after eighteen months. Stopping within Scanlon Estate for a meal in his desperate attempt to go underground, it was this action that sealed Wheeler's doom when Will caught up with him. First attempting bluster, then straight-out violence, Henry, in an act of sheer desperation, made the fatal attempt to murder his hunter, only to fall on the knife he had attempted to cut Will down with, killing himself. According to Ruhl, Will had completely destroyed the gang's business, perhaps meaning that the three criminals he had confronted had resulted also in the incarceration or deaths of other possible members, no doubt at the hands of other members of the Corp. Despite this, Ruhl and his last accomplice had apparently disappeared from the radar.
Known members and associates[]
Name | Notes | Current status |
Jory Ruhl | Leader and presumed Founder. Conducted the band's original Anselm Fief operations, kidnapping and ransoming children before partaking in the Wyvern Inn meeting and the skirmish that followed. Set the Wyvern Inn alight alongside Henry Wheeler to fabricate a diversion, allowing the gang to flee and causing the death of Alyss Mainwaring. Faced and escaped the clutches of Will Treaty, near-drowning the Ranger in the process and rebuilt the gang into a slaving ring operation, masterminding their tactic of identifying and cowing victims, posing as 'The Stealer of the Night' during the operations. Instigated the death of Liam and spirited away mistreated youngsters marked out by Victor for abduction. Led his followers in their pursuit of Will Treaty, directing the thugs during their skirmish with the Ranger and confronted him after his capture. Tortured the captured Treaty with the intention of burning his to death, then attempted to spear him with a javelin, only to injure Madelyn instead and be sent falling into the gang's bonfire in a reflex action to a saxe knife injury above the eye, burning to death. | Deceased |
Jory’s Lieutenant | Served as Ruhl’s right-hand henchman during both his kidnapping and slaving businesses, terrorising Anselm Fief before attending the Wyvern Inn gang gathering and participating in the subsequent skirmish, fleeing with Ruhl and becoming the only member of Ruhl’s immediate band of four to escape justice. Accompanied Ruhl through Trelleth Fief, participating in the kidnapping of Violet Carter, where he served as a lookout before escaping into the darkness with Ruhl. Led the band as they proceeded to Hawkshead Bay with Jory and Victor, dining while the rank-and-file thugs assisted in the imprisonment of their captives. Assisted in attempting to beat out the flaming La Bruja before following his chieftain in pursuit of Will and participating in the Skirmish on the Prairie, attempting a three-man ambush on the Ranger from behind, only to be hit in the neck by a arrow fired by Treaty | |
Victor | Third-in-Command. Participated in the gang’s slaving operations, serving as a crucial element in their tactic of stealing abused children. Used his alleged troubadour role to gain access to the intended villages under the alias of a wandering troubadour, gaining the trust of the youngsters and singling out one for kidnapping, whereupon he terrified the children with tales of ‘The Stealer of the Night’, cowing them into silence. Infiltrated Danvars Crossing, Esseldon, Boyletown and Willow Vale Village among other hamlets, whereupon he organised the kidnappings of Carrie Clover, Maurice Spoker, Peter Williscroft, Tim Stoker, Julia, Rob and Violet Carter, delivering a savage burn to Rob’s leg during his time as a prisoner. Accompanied Ruhl to Hawkshead Bay as one of his two mounted lieutenants before participating in the attempted burning of the La Bruja, assisting the gang and Iberian sailors in attempting to quell the flames. Abandoned the chase after Will to intervene with an attempted liberation of the gang’s captives instigated by Madelyn Altman, terrifying a young girl and attempting to murder Tim Stoker, only to fall to his demise after receiving a wound delivered by a rock from Maddie’s sling. | |
Iberian Captain | Iberion Pirate and helmsman of La Bruja. Operated a mutually beneficial slave trade alliance with the gang, transferring Jory Ruhl's kidnapped children from Araluen shores to the markets of Socorro for sail. Sailed and beached the Bruja on the shoreline of Hawkshead Bay and dined with the gang alongside the rest of his crew, preparing to depart for Socorro by night fall, only for the operation to be thrown into chaos by Will setting the La Bruja alight. Despatched Enrico and Anselmo to join Ruhl's gang before escaping with his remaining crew. | |
Eligio | Socorro contact. Served as Ruhl and his band's employer, selling the captives by Ruhl's acolytes at the Socorran market and presumably divided the money between himself and the two groups of Araluen slavers and Iberion Pirates. | |
Henry Wheeler | Original gang member. Plagued Anselm Fief as a member of Ruhl's first band of underlings, kidnapping and ransoming children. Attended Ruhl's gathering in the Wyvern Inn and assisted the ex-mercenary in setting the inn alight before fleeing the scene with his cohorts. Abandoned the gang to escape the clutches of Will Treaty, seemingly escaping a confrontation with the Ranger and avoiding capture for eighteen months. Stopped off at the Scanlon Estate for a meal, only to be confronted by Will, attempting first to bluster his way out, then kill, only to fall on his knife as he resisted arrest. | Deceased |
Benito | Accompanied Ruhl as part of his Trelleth Fief retinue. Deployed by Ruhl to terrify Madelyn Altman into silence, travelling to Esseldon and ambushing Madelyn in her bedroom, first attempting to threaten the girl, then kill her when she followed him, only to be killed himself by a fatal head wound. | |
Robert | Served as one of 'The Stealer's' scouts, doubling back on villagers where Jory had already spirited away a child to ensure that no large searchings were being undertaken by villages in search of their missing members. Reported to Ruhl the presence of the disguised Will and Maddie in Esseldon and lead Benito to the village. Particapated in Ruhl's gang's attempted saving of the La Bruja and presumably partook in the Skirmish on the Prairie. | Presumably Imprisoned or Deceased |
Anders | Travelled with Ruhl through Trelleth Fief before returning to Hawkshead Bay following the capture of Violet Carter. Participated in the attempted saving of the La Bruja and the hunt for Will. Fought in and survived the Skirmish on the Prairie. Gained a grudging respect for Will courage and spoke out against Ruhl's torture methods, though eventually stood down. | |
Brad | Accompanied Ruhl during his Trelleth Fief operations returning to Hawkshead Bay following the capture of Violet Carter. Participated in the attempted saving of the La Bruja and the hunt for Will, attempting to cut down the Ranger with a crossbow bolt, only to be killed himself by an arrow from his would-be-victim. | Deceased |
Harold | Low-ranking Gang member. Served as the gang's cook while on the road, despite his dubious culinary skills. Assisted the band's Iberion allies in their attempt to save the Bruja before presumably assisting in the Skirmish on the Prairie. | Presumably Imprisoned or Deceased |
Donald | Performed the menial labour of the gang's campsite headquarters, such as preparing food for the returning band and assisted in imprisoning and overseeing the kidnapped alongside Thomas. Imprisoned Ruhl's Trelleth captives with the assistance of the rank-and-file gangsters of the group, serving as the keeper of the keys and threatening any who attempted to make a break for it. Served the gang and Iberian pirates as they dined with Thomas, then partook in the saving of the La Bruja after it was set alight by Will Treaty. | |
Thomas | Served as a human beast of burden of the gang alongside his friend, Donald, maintaining the camp while the immediate gang conducted their countrywide operations, watching over the band's captives. Served his leader and his two lieutenants upon their return, then the remaining criminals and assisted in preparing food for the group, as well as their Iberian assets. Followed his master aboard the burning Bruja as it was set alight by the hidden Will Treaty, attempting to beat out the flames. | |
Anselmo | Iberion Pirate. Served as part of the crew of seven Iberians who transferred Araluen captives from Araluen shores to Socorro for sail on the Bruja. Accompanied his crewmates in their gathering with the band, then rushed to save the burning La Bruja with his shipmates before being deployed by the Iberian Captain to assisted the hapless gang in beating out the flames with Enrico. Join the band in their pursuit of Will Treaty on his skipper's command, pursuing the Ranger, then partaking in the Skirmish on Prairie, ambushing and lassoing Will from behind and preventing him from killing Ruhl, then secured the Ranger further on his then-chieftain's orders before accompanying the ex-mercenary back to Hawkshead Bay and assisting in binding Will to a stake. | |
Enrico | Iberion Pirate and former perseguidor (hunter). Served as part of a crew of seven Iberians who transferred Araluen children abducted by the band from Araluen shores to Socorro for sail on the Bruja. Accompanied his shipmates in their gathering with the band, then rushed to save the burning La Bruja with his crewmates before being deployed by the Iberian Skipper to assisted the hapless gang in beating out the flames with Enrico. Join the band in their pursuit of Will Treaty on his captain's command, pursuing the Ranger, then, after the archer's deception was revealed, led the gang, using his skill as a previous tracker to locate the escapees, only to be cut down by an arrow fired by Will as the Skirmish between Will and the thugs began. | Deceased |
Criminal Ferry Master | A possible associate located in Cordom Fief, he forced his passengers to try their luck in the swiftly-running Gadmun River after striping them of any valuables they carried. | Presumably Imprisoned or Deceased |