Flanagan Wiki
Flanagan Wiki

This page documents User-Rewards, or Medals.

Rewards are badges that you can earn which will appear in a module on the right-hand side of your profile. There are two types of Rewards: Common Rewards & Special Rewards. Common Rewards can be earned by multiple people by accomplishing the same task, while Special Rewards can only be earned during unique events such as contests, or for performing a universally accoladed task, such as helping with the Category Accuracy project. Special Rewards are only given out once, and afterward they can no longer be acquired.

Note: The presence of the New Editor, Unverified, or Non-User Tag on your profile will disqualify you from holding most Common Rewards. Edit articles often & they will eventually disappear.

Common Rewards

Reward Name Description Image Recipients
Battle Apprentice Awarded for reaching 500 edits without farming. Battle Apprentice Medal Prince HendrickGeertHamShamshaazVgfsirius
Coat of Arms Awarded for reaching 1000 edits without farming. Coat of Arms Medal TheGoldenPatrik1Falcon31MiniMachineSora Heartblade
Royal Guard Awarded for reaching 2000 edits without farming. Royal Guard Medal Be the next!
Bronze Oakleaf Awarded for reaching 3000 edits without farming. Bronze Oakleaf Medal Be the next!
Silver Oakleaf Awarded for reaching 4000 edits without farming! Silver Oakleaf Medal Be the next!
Gold Oakleaf Awarded for reaching 5000 edits without farming! Gold Oakleaf Medal Ink.fall.ing

Special Rewards

Reward Name Description Image Recipients
Ranger Corps Founder Awarded for founding the wiki. Ranger Corps Founder Medal Dannflow
Longbow Awarded for helping the most with the Category Accuracy project. Category Accuracy Longbow Medal TheGoldenPatrik1
Recurve Bow Awarded for helping the second most with the Category Accuracy project. Category Accuracy Recurve Bow Medal Ink.fall.ing