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Will Treaty 11

Will, Daniel's son

Daniel was Will Treaty's father. He was killed by Wargals in the First Araluen Civil War after saving Halt's life.


Daniel and his wife apparently originated from Norgate Fief, where he had learnt some skill with the sword, before moving to Aspienne Fief soon before the First Araluen War.

Daniel joined the army and was promoted to the rank of sergeant by Sir Norman, who took a instant liking to him. He saved Halt from being killed by Wargals in on of the skirmishes between a monstrous creatures and the Araluen army after the Battle of Hackham Heath as Morgarath made his retreat and was very skilled with a spear. He was not given training with the sword or quarterstaff but was able to use them both to good effect. He was described as having the "speed of a leopard," and was very courageous, saving Halt from the Wargals who fled after several of them were killed, all the time while bleeding from a large wound in his side, an action which emboldened the army to surge forwards to push the monstrous forces back. As he was dying, he told Halt he had a wife who was soon to have a child; Halt went to her but she died after saving Halt's life when Jerrel tried to kill him, leaving Will orphaned.

Will has always idolized his unknown father, imagining him as a great, glorious knight. As a result, Will was desperate to enter Battleschool, before becoming a Ranger's apprentice. Halt reveals Daniel's real position and though slightly disappointed at when he learnt his father's true rank, although Will nearly immediately restores his pride in his father after Halt tells him of his sire's achievements.


Daniel was a sergeant with the Araluen army. He was very skilled with a variety of weapons, and was self-taught. Before his death, he killed many wargals with his sword, and even more with his spear in the battle of hackham heath. He eventually was forced to use as a quarterstaff, as his spear was destroyed.

Daniel must have been clever and observative, having caught Jerrel and Kord in their games of dice, noticing that the dice were loaded. Similar to his son, Daniel seemingly had a likeable personality and possessed the instictive ability to make others like him.


  • Given that it was mentioned he had learn't sword work at Norgate Fief, it is quite possible he served as a soldier somewhere in the fief.