Alyss, a skilled Courier and diplomat
The Kings Couriers were members of the Diplomatic Corps. They were usually women because women were considered to usually have more tact then men who often tended to use 'muscles' rather than 'brains' at certain times.
Couriers sometimes had dangerous assignments and therefore had to know how to defend themselves. They used a long knife which they usually concealed somewhere on their person. They also sometimes traveled in disguise which is what Alyss did in The Sorcerer in the North, she traveled under the guise of Lady Gwendolyn.
Couriers were known to undergo tough training. As Will realised of Alyss when in the The Sorcerer in the North she said they may have to kill John Buttle who overheard a conversation of great secrecy.
Known Members[]
Alyss was revealed in The Burning Bridge, to be wearing the 'simple, but elegant' white gown of the Couriers, with the bronze laurel branch pin, the symbol of her authority, fastening a short blue cape at her right shoulder.
In a letter to a fan, John Flanagan stated regarding footwear: "Couriers do a great deal of travelling so they'd wear light calf-high boots, suitable for riding, with flat heels."