Castle Araluen, situated in the centre of Araluen Fief in the Kingdom of Araluen was the capital of the country and the seat of King Duncan's rule. It was the most impressive castle in all of Araluen. It was built of huge blocks of honey coloured hardstone and had huge towers and buttresses with an almost lifelike grace to them. Despite it's beauty, it was almost impenetrable and had a small army to guard it. The Semath River flowed throught the castle's village.

Castle Araluen is Beautiful and Easily Defended
This castle was the most heavily defended in all of Araluen. There were massive walls and high towers, which allowed the defenders scores of places to pour or drop water, boiling oil, arrows, and rocks on invaders. There were several fall-back positions (i.e. several sets of walls) which added to the time that the Castle can withstand siege. It was also protected by a small army, the Royal Guard of Araluen, who were elite soldiers including men-at-arms, archers, and mounted knights. One of the many other defenses included small arrow slits, giving the archers a chance of a clear shot and the enemy wouldn't know when to shoot, giving the defenders an advantage in a possible war.
The throne room was incredibly vast, possibly the largest room in Araluen. It was the place where King Duncan held his official court, and there was room for several hundred courtiers to stand, and benches and tables for members of the King's Cabinet, such as the Royal Battlemaster, Sir David of Caraway (Gilan's father), the Baron of Redmont Fief, Baron Arald, and the Ranger Commander, Gilan (previously Crowley).