Brotherbands are teams of Skandian boys that compete to be the winner of the Brotherband contest.
When a Skandian boy turns 16, he is required to compete in the yearly Brotherband competition, where they will camp in the woods and compete in a series of test designed to ready them for manhood. The purpose of this competition is to instruct young Skandians about becoming men.
The program is run by 4 or 5 Skandian men appointed by the Oberjarl. Boys enter the program once they have turned 16, and attend the program for around 3 or 4 months (the program is strictly male only) When they arrive they put themselves into “Brotherbands” to compete in the competition. Usually there is about three or four teams, and each Brotherband is led by a boy that the others in the Brotherband deem worthy (this is usually based on popularity, and the boys in a group are friends) Upon creating the Brotherbands, the boys decide on animal mascots to name their bands by, the names chosen are almost always strong and fierce animals respected in Skandian culture, although there is no rule on what animal it can be. After this first session, each Brotherband is assigned a supervisor, and the respective bands are led to their camp grounds. Once there, each of the bands is required to construct a shelter which their team will sleep in during the training, with materials provided.
- Main article: Brotherband Training
After being introduced to the program and constructing their shelters, the Brotherbands start the training/tests/competition, which are a series of physical and sometimes also mental challenges where each brotherband competes against the others. These test can include, running, tug of war, and wolfship navigating.